Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Summer Days, Make Me Feel Fine

So. Summer. I love it, and yet I hate it. I love it because I get to see friends and hang out with friends who I don't get to see during the school year. I hate it because I am chained to freaking Target. And now pretty soon here I'm going to be chained to Harris Teeter as well. I will be working in the deli over there. At Target now, thankfully, I am no longer cashiering. I think I would slit my wrists if I was. Haha. No I push these things called 'caf pulls' and whenever I say that I think of baby cows. Like I'm pushing baby cows. Basically I push stock out onto the floor and stock the shelves. It's so much better than cashiering. I have a LOT of freedom and pretty much zero supervision, which is amazing. I'm supposed to be getting a raise out of all of this too, because I'm considered a back room employee, and back room employees automatically get 50 cents more an hour, so we'll see what goes down tomorrow when I talk to the guy in charge of Human Resources.
So something happened tonight that I thought was humorous. I called Justin to talk to him about something that happened last night and my call got ignored. No big deal, I left a message. My phone rang like a minute later and it said it was him. I picked up and it was his friend Matt. Justin had left his phone in Matt's car and Matt decided to call me back to let me know what was going on. I ended up talking to the kid for like 15 minutes. How funny is that? Haha. So I made a new friend. Which is good. I like making new friends, unlike Justin. hehe.
Hummm. I have physical therapy tomorrow. I'm sad because my physical therapist is quitting :( I just might cry. I will definitely miss Dave. I just got completely side-tracked. Haha. Myspace
can do that to you. haha. Anyways.
I need to head to bed. I want some freaking comments! lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I refuse to comment.

