Sunday, April 15, 2007

Late Night Ramblings

so it's been a few days. five to be exact. a lot has happened this week actually. justin & i had a very deep and meaningful conversation thursday night @ 1:30 in the morning. haha. it was hilarious.
So. Music. I love it. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Because I seriously love music. All types. I just finished listening to O.A.R. and now I'm listening to Justin Timberlake. how funny is that? And now is Jack Johnson, whom I love. Piece of crap my backspace key is STICKING. urgh. Man I'm random tonight. I am super hyper and super exhausted at the same time. I many things.
Oh. I discovered a new band last night. Their name is Reeve Oliver. Go to their myspace.
They are pretty freaking amazing. Their drummer reminded me of Jack from Will & Grace. Does anyone else remember that show?
Tonight was pretty amazing. Amber & I went to dinner and then we went to Big Lots. It was pretty funny. We were so excited about the low prices. Then we went to Wal-mart and then came back here and watched The Notebook with Chelsea & Jessica. So much fun. Not as much fun as stealing a case of beer from someone's room..but ya know- I do what I can here in the Creek.
I'm exhausted. Off to bed. It's kinda early- but that's okay.

PS: you don't have to have a blogger account to comment on my blog. So go on, you know you want to :)

1 comment:

William and Jessica said...

Sorry I only watched like 3.4 minutes of the movie...I got sidetracked. But the dried apples were interesting ;-)