Sunday, September 02, 2007


Oh blessings. I just read an article in Marie Claire. Here's the link for it. Article It shocked me pretty much. The basic premise is that women are getting married today and getting divorced in the same way they would start dating a man and then dump them.
Our culture today is in trouble. Marriage today is supposed to be a valued institution, not just something you can just throw-away. I think people need to be in relationships longer than they are before they decide to get married. If you're ready to get married after 4 months, you'll still be ready in a year or two. I don't want to have a "starter husband". If I get married I want one husband. For life. It's a different story if something happens to him and he dies. That is completely different, it's the idea of marrying someone and then divorcing them just because you're bored. You probably shouldn't have gotten married in the first place.
Let me know what you think about this...

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